Land at Parsonage Road, Takeley

In February 2019, Endurance Estates has submitted applications for:

  • A development of up to 120 dwellings (including affordable housing) on land west of Parsonage Road, Takeley (UTT/19/0393/OP)
  • A 66 bed care home on land east of Parsonage Road, Takeley (UTT/19/0394/OP).

Uttlesford District Council refused planning permission for both applications and Endurance Estates has lodged appeals with the Secretary of State. Both appeals will be heard by way of a public local Inquiry, the date and venue of which will be publicised by the Council.

Amendments to the residential scheme

As part of the appeal process, Endurance Estates Land Promotion is proposing a minor change to the proposed residential development to provide 10% of the development as self-build dwellings. Rather than being constructed by a housebuilder, serviced plots will be made available to prospective purchasers who wish to construct their own dwellings. If accepted by the Inspector, this change is intended to form the basis of discussion at the Inquiry and will be reflected in any planning permission that is granted.

This does not affect the care home scheme.

The changes are summarised below:

  • The amount of development remains at up to 120 dwellings;
  • The proportion of affordable housing remains at 40% (up to 48 dwellings);
  • The proportion of open market self-build serviced plots will be 10% (up to 12 dwellings); and
  • The proportion of open-market dwellings to be constructed by a housebuilder will be 50% (up to 60 dwellings).

 The description of development will be amended to:

Development of up to 119 dwellings (including affordable housing and self-build plots) including vehicular and pedestrian accesses, infrastructure, open space, footpath links, children’s play area, landscaping, green infrastructure, surface water management, wastewater pumping station and associated works and either a community building (use class D1); or a dwelling

(change underlined)

A ‘Section 106’ legal agreement is being prepared for the site and will contain a clause to secure the provision of the 10% self-build plots.

Drawing P17-2649_36 Indicative Self-Build Location [click to link] indicatively shows where the self-build plots may be located within the scheme.

Endurance Estates’ planning consultant, Pegasus Group, is running a consultation on the amended scheme and comments are invited on the amendment. Any comments will be documented and presented to both Uttlesford District Council and the Inspector. There will also be an opportunity to speak at the forthcoming public inquiry.

Making your comments

Please send your comments either by post or email to:

Takeley Consultation

Pegasus Group

Suite 4, Pioneer House

Vision Park



CB24 9NL

Comments must be received no later than 15 November 2019; please bear this in mind if you are posting your comments.